Spartakiade is a regular, developer-centric conference in Berlin. This year it will host over twenty full day workshops, with topics ranging from data science, 3D, docker, kubernetes, and also a few programming language introductions, among them F#, Python, Purescript – and Go!
There will be two Go workshops (in English or German, depending on the audience):
- Apr, 27 2019, 10-17: Kann weniger mehr sein? Eine praktische Einführung in die Programmiersprache Go (Can less be more? A practical introduction to Go)
- Apr, 28 2019, 10-17: Schreiben von Netzwerkanwendungen mit Go (Writing network applications with Go)
Interested in Go or anything else at Spartakiade 2019? Then you’re in luck, we have two free tickets for you - use the code W7UJQS55 at - and have a fun weekend learning new things. See you there!
Did not get one of the two free tickets, but still want to go? Please contact me, and I will send you a 10% discount code.