Leipzig Gophers

🔗Virtual Meetup #18 wrap-up

Seeking Data

Meetup #18 took place May 25, 2021 19:00 CEST, and was virtual again. We continued the data and storage supertopic for this year had a lightning talk called Seeking Data.

We looked at a few patterns when working with data, e.g. I/O considerations, what kernel hackers think about the memory hierarchy, working with large scale data at rest, or how to speed up container startup times (via lazy pulling).


Upcoming 1-day Go workshop

There will be an online, 1-day workshop on Go at Spartakiade 2021, a developer-centric community conference (not free, but with nice variety of topics plus a bag of conference swag). The Go workshop will be a condensed overview of the language - feel free to join!


Thanks everyone for dropping by - great to see people join from across Europe and the globe!

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