Leipzig Gophers

🔗Virtual Meetup #22 invitation

Hello, 世界!

For virtual meetup #22 - scheduled 2021-10-26, 19:00 CEST - we’ll have an interesting presentation on a security related topic: Confidential Computing with Go.

Join us via Zoom.

Confidential Computing with Go

Confidential computing is a new security paradigm that protects data not only at rest or in transit but also in use. A hardware-based trusted execution environment provides an isolated area, a secure enclave within a CPU, that protects sensitive data while being processed.

Until recently, confidential computing frameworks were mostly restricted to C/C++ with a significantly reduced system interface. To make confidential computing more accessible and use it in cloud-native contexts, we created EGo. EGo is an open-source framework that enables users to build, debug, and run confidential apps with Go.

In this talk, I’ll give a brief introduction to confidential computing and show why Go is a great fit for it. I’ll present the architecture design of EGo and how you can easily build your own confidential apps. Finally, I’ll share some hands-on examples and use cases.


Moritz Eckert leads cloud-related development at Edgeless Systems and is the primary maintainer of MarbleRun. Moritz is a seasoned engineer and has presented at top-tier conferences including Usenix Security Symposium, Conf42, and OC3 in the past. Alongside his professional work, Moritz is part of Shellphish, one of the highest-ranked competitive hacking groups in the world.

Join us to discuss all things Go and security!

See you!