Ideas and Tools
Hybrid Meetup #44 took place 2024-09-24 19:00 at Basislager Leipzig. The topic was everyday tools and libraries, with demos from a few people.
Here’s a list of tools presented, mentioned, praised:
- smart-branches (git): stacked commits
- git fixup (git): cleaner history
- awk and xargs, GNU parallel (cli): data wrangling
- roxvet (go): example custom code vetting
- strace (linux): syscalls and more
- tilt (k8s): local k8s env
- fzf (cli): fuzzy finder in command line
- just, task (cli): task runner, similar to make
- tmux (sh): terminal multiplexing
- btop, zenith (cli): system monitors
- git-cal (git): repo stats
- cobra (go): cli tool scaffold
- charm (go): TUI (we also had a lightning talk on charm at #28)
- direnv (sh): project management
- lazyvim (vim): editor
- devspace, devpod, gitpod, and more (ops): dev env
- asciinema (linux): script(1) heir, agg
- ai tools: good for learning or to sketch out a problem space; less usable code just yet
- obisidian (editor/wiki): a tool to manage your knowledge
- timefilp (tool): tool to efficiently manage time tracking